• You Should Make Audio Products

    The power of the spoken word is seriously under-rated. By using words & sounds you can truly paint pictures in people’s minds. For example, have you ever heard an advert on the radio for a travel agency? They’ll usually have a nice calm voice telling you about their great holiday offers and they’ll use sound-effects …

  • Creating Audio Products Instead Of Video – Part 2

    In Part 1 of Creating Audio Products Instead Of Video I talked about how audio products are easier to create than video. I also gave an overview of how you can create an audio product within an hour. The basics are that you plan out what your audio product is going to be about, record …

  • Making The Most Of Your Podcast

    If you host your own podcast, it’s easier than you think to turn it into something much bigger than the show itself. In fact, I think you would be surprised at how many people repurpose their podcast show. As the creator of your own show, you effectively have full ownership of the material and can …

  • My Top 6 Must Hear Podcasts

    Podcasts are a thing of the past – replaced by YouTube videos, right? Well, not really no. ;-) After all, how are you going to watch videos while driving to work, doing housework or taking your morning jog? With podcasts, you can take them anywhere and be learning while you suffer through the more mundane …

  • Creating Your Product… Despite The Competiton

    You know when you’ve got a DYNAMITE idea for a new product and you can’t wait to get started on it – or maybe you already have. Then you see that someone else has beaten you to the punch and released a very similar product just last week. Well, that happened to me. Decisions Decisions …

  • Launching Your Own Podcast Show

    By launching your own podcast show and releasing a targeted, interesting, quality, value-adding episode each week or so, you will soon become a person of influence in your field/niche.  Your “community” of listeners will start to grow and grow. In fact, it will grow exponentially because not only will your regular/loyal subscribers come back and …