4 Easy Ways To Make Money With Your Voice
Creating audio products, Paul's Tips, podcasting, Voice Overs

4 Ways To Make Money With Your Voice

December 21, 2023

Are you trying to find a way of using your voice to generate an online income?

If so, you’ll want to keep reading…

Everyone’s voice is unique, which means that if you want to break into the world of ‘voice-overs’ you already have something that is different to everyone else.

When you consider that everywhere you turn people are launching podcasts or needing a voice-over for their latest YouTube video, you’ll soon find out that demand for voice-overs has never been greater.

Want to get started? No problem!

Here are 4 easy ways you can make money using your voice – starting today.

You won’t need to invest loads to get started either, so why not take a look at the list below… and get going.

  • 1Voice Overs For Commercials. Sites like Fiverr.com have made it easy for anyone to become a voice-over artist. Just record a short example of your voice (known as a ‘demo’ or ‘showreel’) and upload it to Fiverr. Visitors can listen to your demo and if they think your voice is a good fit for their project, you’re off and running.
  • 2Voice Overs for Web Projects. Just like the example above, many people are searching for different voices for online presentations. It could be a voice-over for a short testimonial or perhaps something longer to match their PowerPoint slides. Record a demo of your voice and upload it, your voice might be the perfect fit.
  • 3Voice Overs for Audio Books. You would be amazed at how big the Audio Book industry has become. It’s now worth more than $2bn per year. Authors are often looking for talented ‘everyday’ people who will read their books aloud and turn them into audiobooks. There’s no reason why you couldn’t be that person.
  • 4Voice Overs for On-Hold Messaging (IVR). This is possibly the easiest way to get into the world of voice-overs. You could be one of the people who offers to say ‘Press 1 for Sales. 2 for Accounts’ and so on. Just make a short demo of how you sound and get it out there. And always remember, “your call is important”. :)

You can get many more tips in my FREE 7-part Audio Course. Click Here for details