Welcome to Module 03 of the free Audio Creation Kit series.
The Interview Method
As I mentioned briefly in the previous Module, the interview method of creating audio products is the easiest way to make audio products of your own.
Lots of the most popular Internet marketers use interviews as their main way of making money online.
There’s a simple reason for this… interviewing experts allows them to quickly and easily create an audio product without having to spend hours researching the topic themselves.
This makes product creation ‘quick & easy’ and I’m sure you can see why that makes audio interviews so popular.
The Business Model Of Interview Audio Products
In my previous modules I discussed the equipment you’ll need, so now let’s dig deep into the business model itself.
To create an interview product all you need to do is reach out to an expert, arrange a time to interview them (either over the phone/Skype or in-person) and record it.
Of course you will need some questions to ask, but I’ve also got that covered. Hopefully by now you’ve already downloaded your free copy of my Interview Cheat Sheets. If not, you can still download your copy just by clicking on the link.
Once you’ve recorded your interview you can either:
- Sell it online (to make some cash)
- Give it away for free (to help build your email list)
- Post it to iTunes (to help generate traffic to your website)
- Have it transcribed and turned into an eBook
- Add some simple Powerpoint slides and turn it into a video!
Making A Connection
You may be thinking, ‘Who Can I Interview?’ or ‘Why Would Anyone Let Me Interview Them?’
Simple! Most internet marketers (and those who have just published a book) will be the most likely candidates to respond to your request for an interview, simply because they have something to promote (and will perhaps make a few sales from doing so).
With that in mind you must always ask yourself, before requesting an interview, “what can I do to make it attractive for them to agree?”
Here’s my Top 5 list of things you should do:
- Make sure they are knowledgable on the topic/niche
- Reassure them that they can promote their product during the interview
- Make sure you fit in around their busy schedule (not the other way round)
- Don’t get too ‘techy’ with them. Make it simple! Either use Skype/Phone
- Let them know how grateful you are that they willingly give you their time
Show Them It’s Going To Be Worthwhile
If you have already started building an email list of your own, be sure to mention that to your intended prospect when asking for the interview. They will usually want to see that you have some kind of email list, however small.
Another idea is to highlight how many followers you have on Twitter or the amount of Facebook ‘likes’ you have. In fact tell them about ANYTHING that shows you are active in your niche.
Not Got A List? Don’t Sweat It!
If you don’t have a list – be honest and tell them. Some people will still grant you an interview, but be prepared for some to graciously – or not so graciously – decline.
If you don’t have a list, don’t be disheartened. In Module 01 I gave you access to my audio product and if you listen to that you’ll hear what Jay Boyer did to secure interviews even though he didn’t have a list!
If you missed it, it’s worth going back and taking a listen!
A Quick Recap
Let’s recap on what you’ve learned so far in the Audio Creation Kit:
- The Equipment You Need
- The Software You Need
- The Quickest Way Of Creating An Audio Product (The Interview Method)
I’ve also given you access to a full audio program (in Module 01) and a FREE copy of my Interview Cheat Sheets (in Module 02).
Time For You To Take Action
There are more free gifts coming up in the next module but in the meantime it’s about time I encouraged YOU to start taking action.
So, between now and the next module why don’t you reach out to those people YOU’D like to interview. Send them an email, tweet them or give them a call and ask if you can arrange just 20 minutes with them for an interview… and see how you get on.
Good luck and I’ll see you soon for the next module!
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