Audio Creation Kit Module 04

Music is a great way to add extra depth to your products.

Whether it’s a simple theme for your podcast or something to create the right ‘mood’, music is something that can really bring your audio products to life.

But did you know that you’d be breaking the law if you used a commercially available song in your product?

It’s true… you can’t just use a song you like by Katy Perry or The Police and use it just because it fits with what you are talking about. If you did you’d be liable to prosecution for copyright infringement as you haven’t been granted the specific ‘rights’ to use it.

It’s A Real Problem

Record companies and music publishers are very HOT on this and have been known to prosecute, so don’t just think that because your an individual you’ll be able to get away with it.

Also, it’s no defence in the law to say “I wasn’t aware!”

Just Not Worth The Risk

So what can you do instead?

Thankfully your products won’t have to ‘suffer in silence’ as there are ways you can legally use music in your audio (and video) products.

You just need to make sure that you are using something called “Royalty-Free” music.

Royalty-Free Is Your Friend

Royalty-Free, as you may have guessed, means the composer has waived his/her right to expect a royalty (which is sometimes called a “usage fee”) each time the track is used.

Essentially it means that once you have bought the track you have an unlimited usage license to utilise it in your productions.

There are plenty of sources of royalty-free music on the Internet and I’ll share some of my favourites with you in just a minute.

Another Free Gift For You

Firstly, it’s time for another FREE gift. As part of the Audio Creation Kit, I want to give you six royalty-free tracks* that you can use in your own products.

You may be wondering why I’d be so generous? :) It’s simply because I want you to be able to create your own audio products easily. So by giving you 6 royalty-free tracks, it takes away another hurdle (and expense) you’d otherwise encounter before getting started.

Your 6 Free Royalty-Free Tracks

Track #1: Success – Download Here

Track #2: Sunrise – Download Here

Track #3: Electrifying – Download Here

Track #4 Pretty – Download Here

Track #5: Sunshine – Download Here

Track #6: Seasons – Download Here

Please Note:
* You can use these without payment, but you cannot download them and sell them or pass them off as your own.

I hope you enjoy using these high-quality royalty-free music tracks in your own products.

More Options

If these aren’t suitable for your product or if you want to add more royalty-free music to your collection, here are the places I usually look first.

Audio Jungle
iStockPhoto Audio
Neo Sounds

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