Welcome to Module 06 of the Audio Creation Kit.
In this penultimate edition of the Audio Creation Kit we’re going to look at the various ways you can distribute your audio products.
We’ve already covered that audio is possibly the easiest ‘product’ to create, but that’s only one side of the story.
Because once your audio is recorded, you still need to get it out there.
Well, the good news is that audio is also incredibly easy to distribute.
CD Or Download?
Once your audio is recorded, you have a number of choices.
You can make it available in a physical format (such as Compact Disc) or in a digital format (as an mp3 download or via a streaming service)… or, of course, you could do both.
Charging For Your Audio Product (or Not)
There was a time when CD had a higher perceieved value than an mp3 download, but these days convenience is what most people want.
You’ll need to decide which is most important to your buyers.
CDs usually sell for somewhere between £10 – £97 ($15-$125), but are incredibly cheap to make.
You can either ‘burn’ the discs yourself on any home computer or use a company like Kunaki, who will fulfil orders on your behalf.
Downloads can sell for similar amounts, but savvy buyers will usually want a discount because no physical shipment is necessary. If you want an easy way to sell audio, check e-Junkie, who will securely store & deliver your files.
If you’re planning on making your audio into a podcast, it’s worth bearing in mind that iTunes currently doesn’t allow you to charge – you can only offer free podcasts on that platform.
If you’re just wanting to get your audio product ‘out there’ to perhaps generate traffic, then you can use one of the many free audio hosting services that will allow you to ‘stream’ your product.
Free Audio Hosting Sites
Soundcloud is probably the best known. They offer a free account that allows you to upload your audio files and make them available to listen to easily.
Alternatives include Mixcloud & AudioBoo.
All these services will give you a small amount of storage space, but make it easy for you to post a link on Facebook, or embed a little snippet of code so that your audio plays from your own website.
Next Time… A $27 Gift!
In the final installment of the Audio Creation Kit, which will be ready in a few days time, I’ll show you how to get your podcast on to iTunes!
After all, it’s probably the question I get asked more than any other.
So, I’m going give you a copy of my Ultimate Podcasting Guide (eBook) that will show you how to do just that.
This book sells elsewhere for $27, but you can have a copy with my compliments.
It’s my gift to you to say thank-you for signing up for the Audio Creation Kit… and it will be with you in just a couple of days.